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“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”–Gerard De Nerval

Flower essences strengthen your resolve to function from your Higher Self rather than your ego. I recommend specific essences to help you put into action the insights and healing you receive in your sessions. A wide range of beneficial results are possible, including navigating through change and loss; owning your power; being more centered, grounded and focused; repairing the impact of trauma, gaining courage in the face of fear, distinguishing fantasy from intuition and generating abundance.

Flower essences are appropriate for children and pets. In 80 years of use by thousands of people, there has not been one documented case of harm from flower essences. The worst that can happen is–nothing.

I’ve seen flower essences help children with family dynamics and with school, as well as peer relationships and transitions to college and the work world.

Subtle changes are sustainable and steady. You may feel immediate results, or you may feel nothing at all. Even if you feel nothing, over time you will notice that your attitude and actions are supporting you more effectively.

Flower essences do not suppress symptoms or feelings. Instead, they open capacities within you, bolster your resolve and spark your awareness. Infusions made from flowers in a ceremonial way, they come in little bottles with droppers, and have a light taste. You take 4 drops under your tongue four times a day for emotional, mental and spiritual support. When I recommend a flower essence for you, I provide you with instructions about how to use it.

“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.”–Luther Burbank

If you would like a flower essence session, contact me here.