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Ride the Waves of Change

While I am not an astrologer, as a spiritual coach I pay attention to what is happening in the Cosmos. Tuesday, March 8, the heavens bless us with both a new moon and a solar eclipse. With the new moon in Pisces, we are called to open our hearts. We have the opportunity to heal past wounds and misunderstandings. We can retrieve “lost” parts of ourselves that have been suppressed, bring them into our hearts and reunite them with our Inner Light.

By connecting with our uncomfortable feelings with kindness, we open space for contracted places to be held in our hearts, cradled by Love from the Source of All Love.

At the Akashic Blessing Circle, as we celebrate Spring Equinox, we will align ourselves with the powerful energies of the Solar Eclipse.

The Pisces new moon offers you a chance to move beyond your stuck places and connect more deeply with Source.

Tune into the quiet voice within you. Are you ready for movement in some area of your life? Be it relationships, creativity, career or health –the solar eclipse pushes you forward.

solar eclipse
The solar eclipse wants you to move forward. To do this, you have loosen up on routine, habitual ways.

Are you doing the same things that worked for you in the past – hoping for different results? Staying stuck will bring extra challenges – and greater frustration, as the momentum to move forward is strong.

Stuck places are being highlighted – not because the Universe wants to make your life harder – but to trigger you to make changes you may have been planning to make someday.

If you are already moving forward, things will accelerate. The eclipse provides momentum for progress. This is a constructive time to put your goals into action.

In my clients, I’m seeing progress in creative projects, more satisfying career changes, more fulfilling relationships and more vibrant health.

Areas of life where you are motivated by guilt, duty, obligation, or fear will be revealed – and you will want to change the dynamic.

Even if what you have is not fulfilling, it is familiar. You know how to live with what you’ve got.

Absolute love is just that – absolute. It cannot be diminished. You do not lose love from Source. Love from the Source of all Love can not be earned. As a spiritual mentor, I cannot over state this.

Absolute love is yours simply because you exist. Every time I think this thought, I feel ease and expansion.

Take time at the Akashic Blessing Circle to center yourself in Absolute Love. What is your Soul asking of you?

Your soul incarnated to fully embody life in the world through YOU – your body and personality. You need support and new skills. Today’s Solar Eclipse is providing momentum. The Akashic Blessing circle will give you support to  receive the gifts of the Eclipse and and the Equinox – and focus on action steps to follow through.

An effective way to start is to make a declaration, such as:

“I will find a new job in 2016.”

“I will make 3 new friends by June 1.”

“I will take the painting classes/piano lessons I’ve been postponing for years.”

The difference between a declaration and setting an intention is that when you make a declaration, you are making a statement of intent grounded in action. Once you’ve made a declaration, you being to assess what actions you can take to move forward.

You are all connected to a tribe of people engaging this evolutionary process together. Stating your declaration and surrendering the outcome to the Akasha at the Blessing Circle will help you ride the wave of forward momentum.

Your soul beckons you toward what deeply nourishes and fulfills you. You may be called to step outside your comfort zone.

When you follow your Soul’s calling, you become a resource in the world.

How is your soul calling you forward?

The Akashic Blessing Circle gives you a time and a place to tune in to your soul’s song. New people and frequent fliers welcome. Read more about the Akashic Blessing Circle here.

posted in Spiritual Coaching
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