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Tapped by the Akashic Records

This is a true account of how I was initiated into the Akashic Records by unseen helpers. “Tapped” set my life on a new course that led me to be who I am today.

Driving to work for the second time that day, I wasn’t thinking about the Akashic Records. Traffic was light for Houston – a city built around cars. I was on my way to The Houstonian, a health club where I worked in the early 1980’s, doing energy healing and massage for women.

I’d gone to work earlier that morning with a sore throat and earache. After doing one session, I signed out and went home – where the thermometer confirmed fever. I looked up ‘earache’ in a book I’d bought on mental causes of physical illness. It said “there is something you don’t want to hear”

The words rang true. Like most people, I was afraid of being criticized. I’d been bullied and shamed, and I’d buried a lot of emotional pain inside me in an effort to protect myself. I didn’t know it then, but what I was most afraid of was my own critical self-talk.

Despite my fear, I decided I wanted to hear whatever it was I wasn’t hearing.

The phone rang. My boss said, “I booked another client for you. Can you come in?”

Driving down Interstate 10, I repeated the words, “I, Nancy, want to hear. I, Nancy, want to hear. I, Nancy, want to hear…..”

As I repeated my prayer to my unseen helpers, I focused on subtle sensations as they moved from my outer ear to my inner ear. I felt a subtle wave of energy move steadily inward, toward the center of my head, and my ear began to open. I felt warm, present and fully alive.

The freeway faded from awareness.  A booming voice, unlike anything I’d heard before, broke through the stillness. The voice said, “You have access to the Akashic Records.”

Boom! Time seemed to stop. A deep sense of being Home spread through me, a feeling I’d had in childhood, during times I spent alone, outdoors, when I sang to the roses and got messages of Love from the Cloud Beings. This was and is God to me.

My symptoms vanished. The fever – the raw, scratchy throat and the sharp shooting pains in my ear completely disappeared – they dissolved into no-thing-ness.

"Touch the Mystery" by Nancy Kern in Tapped by the Akashic Records

“Touch the Mystery” by Nancy Kern

You can imagine how unexpected this was.

Questions soon arose. “How is this possible?” and “Why me?”  I felt undeserving. I might have dismissed the experience entirely if not for the response I got when I returned to work.

When I checked in at the front desk of The Houstonian, my boss said to me, “What on earth did you do? You look completely different!”

I didn’t know what to tell her, because I was as surprised as she was. 

The idea that my body could change from sick to healthy in an instant – and that an unseen helper could make symptoms vanish into thin air — sounded like a fairy tale. I thought then that miracles – if they were real – happened in ancient times, in exotic settings, to saints, enlightened masters and mythological beings, who took these phenomena in stride. Miracles were for extraordinary beings.

I had heard of the Akashic Records once, as an aside in a workshop on color and sound healing. Our teacher said the Records contained the records of our souls. I wondered briefly what that meant – then filed the thought away to think about later. I din’t know then, that the kind Beings that guided me through my difficult childhood were of the Akashic Records. 

I embraced the experience, even though I didn’t understand it. I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone. I was afraid of being labeled delusional or lying–both of which were reasonable fears in Houston in 1982.

I understand now that miracles happen to ordinary people – like you and me.

Even with my deep desire to be of service, I couldn’t reconcile this healing miracle with my “real” life, which was chaotic.  I knew I had a lot of inner work to do.  I couldn’t help others until I committed to healing and loving myself. I had to transform my internal critical voice. I needed to recover, work through old fears, change my beliefs and surrender to my soul’s path.

Gradually, I began to accept who I am and what I came here to do. In order to be an agent of conscious awakening, I have to walk my talk. I do what I ask my clients to do, which is to work through my own shadow stuff and meet it with love. Even though I’m not perfect at it, that doesn’t stop me from keeping on.

When I was ‘tapped’ by the Akashic Records, I knew I’d just been given the biggest homework assignment of my life: to develop my gift and use it to help others.

I had to start by transforming how I lived my life. This knowing flew through my awareness unspoken as I stood at the front desk.

I said to my boss, “Oh, nothing.”

Only two weeks earlier, I’d been teased at work after a client reported to my boss that I’d used electrodes on her, when all I used was my hands. Even though the massages I gave weren’t ordinary, I didn’t fully realize this. I had nothing to compare them to.

Over the years of doing hands-on healing, my clients experienced unexpected results, such as:

  • I pulled a cord out of the 3rd eye of a client with severe allergies. Her sinuses instantly cleared.
  • An elderly woman with arthritis had painful, crooked joints in her feet. She’d had 2 surgeries that had failed to correct her feet and had only made the pain worse. During a session, I saw her feet glowing green. I saw an image of her in a past life in China, her feet bound. After a few minutes, she said to me, “Did you feel that? You just did what 2 surgeries couldn’t do. My feel have straightened out. They don’t hurt!”
  • A client fell from the bed of a pickup truck and broke his arm in a remote area of Texas. By the time he got to a doctor, the fracture had gone unattended for 2.5 days. His doctor did what he could, but the x-ray showed a fracture he said would never fully heal. While I worked with my client energetically, he and I both felt a movement in his upper arm, a settling. The bone had mended itself fully. This was later proven by x-ray, though the doctor had no explanation for it.
  • A client conceived a much longed-for baby through in vitro fertilization. She brought in a small ice chest full of pharmaceuticals that she needed to take over the weekend, to dismantle her immune response, so her body wouldn’t reject the zygote. We systematically went through every bottle of pills, introducing them to her immune system, and giving her body instructions to take what was of use from the medications and excrete the rest. We also talked with the soul of the baby. When she went for the procedure on Monday, her doctor remarked with surprise, “Every single one of these fertilized eggs is viable. I’ve never seen that before!” My client said that taking the drugs was painless, though many women report extreme nausea and discomfort. She went on to have a happy, health son.

Contradicting the allopathic medicine principle of proving results through double-blind studies, the results  I saw in my work were inconsistent. I didn’t know why some clients got such powerful results–but not all clients did.

Healing is a mystery, which keeps me always interested. 

Over time, my life as an Akashic person took form. Looking back, I see the signs were there in childhood – in the happy hours I spent singing to the roses – merging with their colors and fragrance; flying into the sky to be held by the Cloud Beings – who tickled me with sparkles of light and cradled me in gentle puffy pillows. I received healing messages and love from birds, animals, plants, earth, water, fire – even insects. I had no name for the places that felt like Home to me – not the physical house I lived in – but Home, with a capital H. Home to my Soul.

It was many years before I deeply understood that Akasha is the space from which our souls originate, and the place to where our souls return.  When the Akashic tapped me, I was initiated into my journey Home – a place I’d known as a child and forgotten. That day, while driving my car, I discovered my calling.

Answering the call required me to unhook from ingrained beliefs and thoughts –  scientific and religious. I began to reorganize my life around what truly nourishes me. For the next 15 years, while raising three children and working part time, I researched the formless spiritual realms through direct experience: painting, meditation and somatic practices.


I spent hundreds of hours mixing colors and painting transparent glazes – laying down thin layers of radiant color, one on top of another. Organic shapes emerged from nothingness, coalesced into forms, creating multiple dimensions, and then dissolved once again into formlessness – like waves rising and falling.


I spent hours doing automatic writing, sweat lodges and ceremonial dances. I learned how to distinguish vision grounded in reality from fantasy. I learned to read energy flows, first through my hands, and then with my focus. Performing poetry, I learned to read the energy flows in a room and enhance and expand them. Always, Akash informed my work as artist and healer.


As my children grew up, I was called away from hands-on healing to give  Akashic readings. I trained with Mary Parker starting in 1999. I went slowly, knowing what a huge responsibility it is to take people into their soul’s records, to accurately retrieve information and transmit energy to sensitive people who are open and ready to expand.


I discovered I could work effectively without touching my clients – I could send energy across the room. Then I realized that Akashic energy can be transmitted over the phone and through the written word – and began doing email readings.


I’ve come to trust that when a need presents itself, the way to meet it will appear.


Even though I made plenty of detours and hit a lot of speed bumps along the way, I kept continued to grow and learn. I journeyed through a dark night of the soul and endured years of spiritual emergency. I was at times paralyzed by fears that were personal, cultural, ancestral and archetypal. I learned by facing my own demons how to be a powerful ally and gentle guide for souls doing shadow work, to help them retrieve soul fragments.


Every setback or seemingly wrong turn led me onward to my purpose. You have to laugh when you think about what an earache and fever brought forth! The outcome was one I could never have predicted.


You have direct access to Source – just as I do. Your access will look different from mine. I am here to help you uncover it, activate it and live it – your way, as designed by your soul. 35 years since the Akashic Record tapped me, my access to Source continues to deepen and expand. Connecting with Source is a dynamic process with a moving edge. The beauty is that the journey gets richer, more rewarding and profound along the way. There is no final place of arrival. There is only arriving.

May All Beings find their way Home on their journey through life on Earth.

posted in Spiritual Coaching
{ 13 comments… add one }
  • Margaret June 16, 2015, 9:21 am

    This is such a beautiful story. There are so many of us who have experienced unexplainable things in our lives and this message only confirms that everyone should listen to these events in our lives. We should not ignore them. Thank you.

  • cin June 16, 2015, 10:29 am

    dear nancy, thank you for sharing this story in such detail! It brings me joy and hope and light, and I am so grateful for your courageous heart to stay true to your journey, and to share the love that continues to deepen and grow in you…we are blessed to share this world with you!

  • Pat Fleury June 16, 2015, 11:56 am

    Nancy… you are such an amazing and wonderful woman… and to read your inspiring story was my greatest JOY. You expressed the fears, doubts, and disbelief so well in the work we do as hands on healers. Then as we get the messages…. we know we are the servants for our Creator and the Universe on levels we can not hope to understand. It is up to us to expand at our rate and then say YES. I am ready ….. How you represent a true mirror to me…. as you told your life purpose. And I say with gratitude… Thank You. Love always, Pat

  • Nancy Kern June 16, 2015, 12:16 pm

    I agree, Pat. Our hearts long to give – to do great things – to serve. Then, when we are shown how vast and mysterious Source is, we look over our shoulder and say, “Who, me? You must have me mistaken with someone great.” I have heard that in your conversations as well….:)

  • Nancy Kern June 16, 2015, 12:22 pm

    Margaret, thank you! Yes – many people experience unexplainable things and have nowhere to go with them. My vision is for more and more people to have access to open, grounded conversations about unusual phenomena – until collectively we finally get the message that these events are not woo-woo or crazy – they are simply aspects of how reality works. When you look closely at nature and cell biology – you see corroboration of surprising life forms and how they move and change.

  • Nancy Kern June 16, 2015, 12:24 pm

    Cin – You are welcome. As a poet, you know the path of exploration into the realms of creation – what a wild world it is!

  • Cherie Ray June 17, 2015, 8:56 am

    Thank you for sharing your story with the world!

  • Kiki June 17, 2015, 3:41 pm

    We open,
    Raw, yet
    Willing and
    watch the Universal forces conspire on our
    How many ways have
    we been shown
    where to turn and
    with whom to sing?

  • Nancy Kern June 22, 2015, 7:37 pm

    Beautiful. Thank you!

  • Gerald W Willis March 28, 2019, 1:08 am

    How can I get an akhashic reading? And how can i access the akhashic record?

  • Nancy Kern October 8, 2019, 3:16 pm

    hi Gerald, Use the CONTACT ME form on my homepage to request a session. I’d be happy to do an Akashic reading for you. In your reading, you will gain access to your records. It may feel familiar to you, or it may feel new. Thanks for asking.

  • Alan E. Nolasco April 27, 2020, 2:42 pm

    Would like to schedule a session.

  • Nancy Kern April 27, 2020, 6:32 pm

    Hi Alan, please use the contact form to email me, so we can set up a session. You can find the CONTACT ME form on my home page. This helps you have a better experience. Many Blessings. Thank you.

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