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An Akashic Healing Session is an energy transmission.
You need to be connected with your body to receive it.


There is a wise teaching that says, praise God (or you can use other words: the Universe, the Source of All Love), but first tether your camel.”

One of the meanings of the Sanskrit word Akasha is Sky, a vast, infinite space. Other common translations are space, and ether. Early on in my journey into the Akashic Records readings, I received guidance that my path as an Akashic person is to work somatically. At times during your session, I will be checking in with you, asking you what sensations you’re feeling in your body, and where you are feeling them. This keeps the work grounded and avoids spiritual bypassing. 

Prepare for your Akashic Healing session by meditating,  journaling and resting. Eat healthy, avoid intoxicants and overstimulation for 24 hours before your session. It’s helpful to write down 1, 2 or 3 questions before we meet. These questions need to be open ended. No ‘yes or no’ questions and the Akashic does not predict the future. This is a healing modality, raising awareness and helping you resolve areas where you are stuck, mentally, emotionally and/or physically. Akashic Healing is designed to help you dismantle trauma and release karma from intergenerational trauma or past incarnations. You don’t have to believe in reincarnation. This practice is spiritual. It is not religious. Though the word Akash is Sanskrit, Akash is not a religion and does not belong to any one spiritual tradition. There are many accounts of people who spontaneously access the Akashic Records without knowing what they were doing, which is how I was initiated. 

Every session opens with a conversation about what’s up for you and what you need. Our purpose is for you to get what you need to feel nourished and nurtured by your own direct connection to Source. 

Sessions begin with grounding, centering in your body and establishing protection. Creating safe space is essential for you to be open to receive. The energy transmitted will be calibrated to what you are ready to receive with ease and grace. It is essential for you to be in a safe, private space where you won’t be interrupted. 

Here is the opening line of the invocation to open the Records.

“And now we are aware of the Radiance of Light, and open to receive Wisdom, Insight and Compassion from the Akashic Records.”

The Akashic Record is an archive of root causes. As the Records open, the veil between the formless realms and the world of form we live in temporarily thins.  You can receive insight, wisdom and upliftment in all areas of life: relationships, health, family, purpose, money and more. For help knowing how to formulate your intention and craft your questions, consult the guidelines on my Akashic Records FAQ page.

Root causes are like seeds of the patterns that are impacting you now. Although past lives and ancestral patterns can be uncovered Akasha is not about who you were in a past life. Akashic space is non-linear, so all you’ve experienced that hasn’t been resolved is in your field now.

Not the same as a Past Life Reading
If you want data, a name, an identity, a location, you are looking for a past life reading. (Note: I do not do past life readings.)

The Akashic Field is an expanded state of awareness, free from fear, judgment and resistance. If you’re open to receive an energetic transmission, you may absorb healing rays of light. I have an affinity for working in and around your body with colored light that is calibrated by the Helpers to support healing and feeling loved.

You can receive healing on emotional, psychic and soul levels–and these can help your physical health. You may become aware that something you’ve been carrying isn’t yours and receive a clearing. Information does come through, but more in the form of energy than stories.

Transformation requires compassion for self and others–those who have harmed you and those you have harmed–and willingness to your surrender personal will to Divine Will. Transforming emotions, thoughts and beliefs frees you to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

When you go through transitions, it’s helpful to complete unfinished business from the past, while being held in a space of loving spiritual and emotional support.

Your helpers and guides in the Akashic can help you create a more fulfilling life by clarifying your soul’s purpose. This revelation will unfold over time, as you’re ready to receive it. Your purpose will continue to evolve and be refined as you live on. 

Challenges that persist despite efforts to change or heal indicate dissonance between conscious and unconscious realities. Root causes are found in childhood, birth trauma, past lives, ancestral patterns, family, cultural and religious conditioning. Issues that cannot be effectively addressed through an Akashic Healing session usually respond better to EFT Tapping

An Akashic Healing session is somatic

Energy is information that vibrates. Depending on your receptivity and readiness, sessions can help you open to receive Universal Streams of vitality from Earth and Cosmos.

72,000 nadis, subtle energy pathways, circulate life force energy, prana or chi through and around your body, creating a web of Light—your aura. The web can get ragged and frayed by the stresses of daily life, trauma or shock. Being human is not easy, though it can be. Revitalizing your energy body strengthens your physical body and helps you establish healthy, life-giving boundaries.

Akashic Shadow work
You can recover lost parts of yourself that you’ve hidden in your shadow and forgotten. You can retrieve soul fragments and integrate them. Shadow emotions can be rooted in this or a past life. They can be inter-generational or epigenetic, as trauma often is.

You can read about my spontaneous initiation into the Akashic Record when I was 26 here: Tapped by the Akashic Record,