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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or Tapping


Emotions are thoughts that are attached to a feeling. Your thoughts can aggravate your emotional state, intensifying feelings and escalating stress as the sympathetic nervous system goes into fight, flight, freeze or fawning responses.


With tapping, I support you to be present with your emotions, in a safe, protected container. This allows you to move through thoughts and sensations with space, kindness and nonjudgmental presence. Thoughts and feelings are both forms of energy. When we don’t let these thoughts and feelings flow, we create energy blocks that can feel like an achy neck, a nagging pain or tension in the body that can create insomnia, confusion, overwhelm and keep us stuck in old traumatic patterns. Depending on your ancestral lineage, many of us inherited unprocessed trauma from earlier generations. 


Since 2016, we’ve become more and more aware of the massive intergenerational trauma that many people are carrying. Building skillful ways to work with your with emotions, engaging somatic, cognitive and subtle energy aspects, is healing to our nervous systems and helps us dismantle habitual triggers that leave us upset, afraid, angry or just lost. Unprocessed emotions can be the source of our deepest discomforts. It’s not what happened, it’s how it affected your nervous system that helps you gain greater wholeness.


EFT tapping helps you move through challenging times and feel safe and peaceful in your body. When you’re clear, grounded and centered, you you’ll discover gifts that are buried under those difficult emotions. Gifts such as clarity, compassion, wisdom and grace. Ultimately, you’ll find love where there was pain, fear or anger.


We don’t instantly make this leap. Transformation comes through persistent practice. EFT is both a reliable technique you can lean in to for support, and a non-linear, intuitive process that brings aha moments galore.


Emotions influence us in conscious and unconscious ways. Tapping releases pain and trauma and dismantles old patterns. It turns down the intensity of trauma by rewiring your nervous system. It helps you regulate the fight-flight-freeze response, so your reactions are neither overblown or numbed.


It can take a series of sessions to metabolize trauma. I offer 90 minute, 2-hr and, by request, longer sessions, according to what best serves you.



As your nervous system becomes more resilient, you can use tapping to pre-pave positive outcomes. I’ve helped people parent their children more consciously, thrive in high pressure grad schools, ace job interviews, engineer the best possible severance package when leaving the corporate world, recover more easily from surgery or medical procedures, overcome eating disorders, ease pregnancy and childbirth, reduce anxiety and lose their fear of dying.

The list of ways tapping can serve is endless. It’s great for anxiety, sleep disorders and procrastination. It’s used with veterans in VA hospitals because it works. There are no risks, and no side effects.


Though I’ve worked extensively with trauma for many years, and am a survivor of trauma myself, I’m not a psychotherapist. If you have a diagnosed mental illness, please enlist the support of a skillful, compassionate therapist in order to get the best benefits. If you feel drawn to add tapping into your routine, I’m happy to consult with your therapist to support you with my work.


Emotional Connection

The next wave of Emotional Intelligence

Emotions are physical sensations coupled with thoughts. In addition to EFT, I’m certified in Emotional Connection. 

When you feel anxious or fearful, the emotional brain or limbic system triggers thoughts that increase agitation. The neocortex in your brain is involved with language, generating thoughts that match sensations. For example, when you feel a knot in your solar plexus, your mind may start racing with anxious thoughts.

By staying connected with the knot of anxiety in a spacious, supported way, you meet the knot from the space of Presence, giving yourself safety and reassurance. The know will soften over time. When you learn to “surf” the physical sensations that triggers emotions, you can ride the waves of sensation all the way to the shore. When your body is relaxed, you think more clearly. You generate trustworthy thoughts that help you navigate sticky situations.

Once you identify an emotion that is stuck in your body, I support you in staying present to it as sensation for 2-5 minute periods. I hold the ground for you to notice your thoughts as separate from the sensation. We do as many rounds as indicated, according to your needs. You never have to go too deep or too far. At all times, I check in with you. You decide how deep to go. Over time you retrain your nervous system to self-regulate. This strengthens your 4 P’s: Presence, Purpose, Passion and Power.

For 35 years after the death of my beloved sister, I lived with heavy, unrelenting grief that I couldn’t process because I blamed myself for her death. I used Emotional Connection to get to the root of my painful beliefs–which started when I was 3 years old and made a vow to protect her. Twenty years later, I couldn’t protect her from death by her own hands. I felt so much shame about abandoning her. In reality, I didn’t abandon her. 

I used Emotional Connection to stay with the pain in my body. Gradually it thawed out. When it flowed, I actually laughed out loud. I realized that for 30+ years, I’d been afraid of feeling a sensation. The sensation had been generating thoughts of self-blame that kept me stuck and unable to move on. Once I surfed the wave, I felt light and free. I could grieve appropriately and open my heart to love again.

Emotions serve a higher purpose.
When you have the skills to connect with
the sensations that generate anxious thoughts,
you can ride the emotional waves to
peace and calm.

As an Emotional Connection Facilitator, I’m certified by Raphael Cushnir, who originated the process. To read about his work click here.


“I met tapping and spiritual coach Nancy Kern through a mutual friend and decided to give tapping a try when I started experiencing sporadic but recurring bouts of anxiety due to a challenging life transition. Knowing that stress and emotions can get stuck in our energy channels/nervous system, I wanted to give tapping a try to see what was coming up.

Immediately after my first session with Nancy, I noticed significant differences. I was much more grounded, could think more clearly, and felt less stress and anxiety. I also found that I did not have that familiar desire to ruminate about some things that were causing me stress. Instead, I was able to acknowledge the situation, but not dwell. Put simply, EFT helped my body/mind clear stuck stress, reorganize thought patterns around life events and bring more balance to my nervous system.” – Jamie Sewell, Florida


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