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My life as a spiritual coach began even before I had a language for what I was doing. I did hands on healing starting in 1980. While working with clients, I would see images of their lives and hear questions, which I would ask them. I remembering seeing colored lights around people since I was four.

Many of us know that chakras are “Wheels of Light,” or subtle energy centers. Physiologically, your chakras are located internally – deep in your body at the level of the spinal cord – not on the front, as drawings seem to indicate. The chakras originate in the pranic tube – the energetic structure that receives prana, chi or life force energy through your breath, and circulates it through 72,000 nadis – minute subtle energy pathways that weave a web of Light through and around your body, creating your energy body all the way out to the “shell” of your “energy egg.”

Expect a Miracle, acrylic on canvas by Nancy Kern ©

Expect a Miracle, acrylic on canvas by Nancy Kern ©

Chakras, auras and energy fields interpret and translate the creative, life-giving forces emanating from the cosmos to energy flows that become  your nervous system.

The locations of the seven physical chakras correspond with major nerve clusters or plexuses – which are branching networks of nerves – and sometimes blood or lymph vessels. Most teachers of subtle energy agree that the chakras are located at the main branching plexuses of the nervous system.

Chakras are collection and transmission centers for both subtle and metaphysical energies, and for biophysical energy – thus chakras impact your overall vitality and physiological functioning.

“Biophysics” is an interdisciplinary scientific method using the theories and methods of physics to study biological systems, on all scales, tiny to cosmic – from molecular to whole organisms and ecosystems.

Chakras are usually visualized as circular in the center of the body. As they spin, they generate vortices that are conical in shape – which is what is meant when we refer to “front” and “back” sides of chakras.

The pranic tube is an energetic structure that correlates with your spinal cord. The nadis correlate with the vast system of nerves that branch into ever finer filaments for transmitting nervous impulses.

Our nervous system, in all its subtlety and complexity, it what allows us as human organisms to have higher consciousness. The nervous system is far more complex than the brain itself. Mysterious as it is, the brain is an organ of the nervous system – which has vast capabilities, operating both in  and beyond our skin – the physical boundary of the body. The nervous system is a vast network of synapses that transmit and receive signals within your body and from the environment.

Energy healing can affect your health. This can be accomplished with hands-on modalities or through the transmission of Light and activation of higher energy frequencies of the Akashic or zero-point field.

To move from illness to health – to create transformation in your physical body, chemical methods such as herbs or pharmaceuticals are not enough. They can be useful, but are not always effective.

When change is triggered on the subtle energy level first, the physical body can realign itself to better work with chemical support as needed. If the energy body is not aligned with medications being used – if your consciousness has not been enrolled to work with your body – your outcomes will be less potent.

Energy healing techniques – of which there are many – enroll the energy body in the healing. After three decades of working hands-on as an energy healer, in 2007, I saw that I could effect healing through the Akasha – with words and energy flows. The first time this happened, I was doing a phone session with a client in California. Over time, I’ve worked with clients in Japan, Canada and across the USA.

As a spiritual mentor, I am highly sensitive to energy,

When my health breaks down, or working with a client with health challenges, I ask the question: is my soul/your soul sufficiently embodied in my/your daily life? By sufficiently I mean – is your soul fulfilled by the choices you make and the actions you take?

Tending your energy bodies enhances your physical body’s capacity to make a harmonious home from where your soul can operate more fully.

Our personalities often have entrenched habits, beliefs and fears accumulated from culture, family and religion – that may conflict with the soul’s design. Our culture and our era in general suppress the soul life in favor of material pursuits.

Our souls come to earth to break habits, dissolve beliefs and transform fear to love – all in service to the evolution of life on earth. We incarnate into physical bodies that come with ancestral and genetic patterns – and as we grow up, we are effected by epigenetic factors – what we call conditioning, or programming.

To strengthen the embodiment of your soul, look to the state of your chakras, aura and energy egg. Would you benefit from clearing them and bringing coherent energies into your field?

These are the three layers of your energy egg:

The first layer is physical – located right next to the twelfth auric field that emanates from your twelfth chakra – and your physical body. It relays information between your body, your inner psyche and the world at large. You can contact the first layer through your pineal gland, and also through the twelfth chakra and auric field.

The second layer is imaginal – it attracts into your life whatever you imagine in your background conversations. These remain unconscious until we bring them into the foreground. Our actions more effectively result in our Highest Good – and we more readily surrender to Source, when we clear background programs – do the necessary shadow work that is indicated.

The third layer is spiritual – an incandescent, shimmering body of energy that connects all of your auric fields with the spiritual realms that lie beyond your human personality and body.

Cleaning, clearing and revitalizing your chakras and the three layers of your energy egg – is a powerful daily practice. Over time, this daily practice will increase your health, your vitality and your joy.

At the Winter Solstice Akashic Blessing Circle, to celebrate the return of Light, we will enter the Akashic realm for a Light Bath. Come prepare to bathe in colored Light – to drink it in –through your twelve major chakras – and have your three energy bodies brought into resonance with your Soul’s design.

posted in Spiritual Coaching
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