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From my heart to yours: a workshop for women overcoming sexual harassment or abuse.

During my personal journey to overcome sexual abuse, I’ve longed to create safe community for women walking the path of self-love and claiming wholeness. Now begins a new era, new Earth, restoring the Sacred Feminine. Women and men are called to unearth and reveal—and transform collective beliefs that perpetuate abuse.

These past six months, who I am and how to embody my soul has come clearer. Astrologically, the wheel of karma is turning. In my natal chart, every single planet is moving into a new house. I’m being remade in alignment with my soul’s purpose. Standing up, speaking out and supporting survivors is my next step.

I’m devoted to creating health and well-being on all levels for myself and empowering you to do so for yourself. My whole life, I had trouble believing in myself. As a sexual abuse survivor, I didn’t want the facts of the abuse to be true. Family members denied it. It confounded me to be at a gathering where an older cousin was making slimy comments toward a young woman. No one stopped him or even seemed to notice. Even I said nothing. I was frozen, as if I was 7 or 9 again.

At other family gatherings, I did speak up—and was accused of being delusional. The fact that I both did and received body work raised eyebrows. Meditation elicited suspicion. Mindfulness, embodiment practices, energy healing, painting and making art, using flower essences—the very practices that increased my well-being were deemed untrustworthy.

The things that nourished and healed me—were criticized and belittled by the people I most wanted to support me. I felt hurt, unsafe and confused. The child in me wanted my family’s validation and empathy. I felt unsafe around them because their denial literally made me physically ill.

I choose to listen to my body. I set strong boundaries with toxic people. I do not share anything personal or socialize with them. To read my blog on boundaries, click here.

No more will I be silenced.

Speaking out has cost me. I lost the fantasy I held onto for years of having a loving, supportive family that could be emotionally present, authentic and mutually supportive. That said, I have gained inner peace and the satisfaction of being true to myself by speaking.

In teaching this course, I am coming out as a sexual abuse survivor. My stomach got tense when my bio in the Jung Center course catalog was published. As I stayed present to the anxiety and fears that arose—breathing, noticing sensation and allowing myself the space to feel—my wise body, in its own good time, relaxed. From a calm, centered place, I knew that being true to myself I attract the perfect people into my life, my soul tribe.

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is following your heart even when you feel fear.

‘Sexual abuse survivor’ is not who I am. It is an experience I’ve had. Our souls are vast, beyond human identity. I am devoted to embodying my soul, living from the wiser, deeper and unconditionally loving part of me. My soul does not fear darkness. Darkness is pregnant with possibilities for transformation. It is from darkness that light arises. Without darkness, we would have no form, no creation.

Experiencing sexual abuse shaped my sense of purpose in the world. It awakened an undeniable hunger for spiritual connection. It ignited a fierce determination to embody my soul—especially since in traumatic situations, I left my body to protect my soul. The resilience I’ve needed to survive and thrive gives me the inner resources and perspective to support survivors. I feel honored to offer this workshop.

You Too? Healing Together in the Era of #MeToo*

Saturday, June 9
1-4:30 pm

Connect with other women in a compassionate, safe environment, and learn valuable tools for self-love and self-care. This workshop will begin with the opportunity for sharing brief personal narratives. There will be no cross-talk or advice giving; rather, anyone who chooses to share will be met with presence and deep listening. We will then engage in somatic practices of emotional connection and emotional freedom technique. We will attend to the connection between bodily sensation and emotion, which helps us to recognize healing messages from our body’s innate intelligence. We will also practice a guided self-kindness meditation and extend these positive feelings into the world for the benefit of all beings.

To register  click here.
Or register by phone 713.524.8253

*No one will be turned away due to financial need. The Jung Center offers scholarships for partial or full tuition, according to circumstances. Call the Jung Center 713-524-8253

posted in Classes and Events, Spiritual Coaching
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