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“And now I am aware of the Radiance of Light.”

akashic FieldIf you have had sessions with me or taken classes, you know that the energy in the room shifts when I invoke the Radiance of Light. The space around you opens, and new possibilities come forward. The air around you shimmers. You may see colors, receive a message, or feel energy moving in your body. You know firsthand how uplifting it is. It feels like being Home, in the sweetest sense of the word.

Learning how to read your Akashic Record is a meditative practice. Through preparation, prayer and journaling, you open to receive insight, and wisdom and guidance from Source.You learn how to align with the space of Source Intelligence, and read the space.


Akasha is a space that facilitates the translation of energy and information from the primal Light of creation, which is formless. Our prayer begins by invoking the formless field of light, Light from the Source of All Light.

Moving somewhat towardOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA greater form, Akasha appears as ‘Guardians and Keepers,’ beings entrusted to safeguard the sanctity of sacred knowledge and power. Your vibration is like a key that opens the area of the Akasha that is a match for you.

Moving farther into form, Akasha appears as a collective level that includes the Ascended Masters, your Soul guides and Teachers, and your Loved Ones. Ascended Masters include Jesus, Buddha, Archangel Michael, Kwan Yin, and numerous other spiritual masters, some of whom have been incarnate on Earth, and some who have not.

Teachers are guides currently existing beyond physical form, who assist you in learning specific lessons. The Loved Ones are the soul essence of loved ones who have known and loved you in your lifetime. They have passed on. They know you well, and they know firsthand what conditions are like on Earth.

Being precise and pristine in your approach is critical to getting positive results. For this reason, no alcohol or recreational drugs are allowed for a minimum of one week before and after you take this training.

The Prayer to open the Akashic Record opens your awareness to the Akashic space.

As your focus becomes more powerful, new possibilities for expansion, wisdom and living in service become available. When you present with integrity, devotion and precision, Akasha responds, and will guide you in your daily life.

In this class, you

  • learn how to align with the Light of the Akasha
  • receive an attunement to make you a clear channel
  • receive Grace and Light into your body and your life
  • learn how to use the prayer and journaling to ask questions and receive valuable answers

With the support of a small, select group, you learn how to use the Sacred Prayer. You learn to trust your connection, and develop skills to practice on your own.

Nancy teaches from a unique, embodied, heart-centered perspective, based on 30 years experience in midwifery, energy healing, bodywork and bring formless realities into form through her art.

This training prepares you to read your own Record. Learning to read the Records for others requires further training, including a dedicated practice for a minimum of one year, working in your own Record under supervision, while I support you in gaining competency. When you are ready, you can begin a 2nd year working under supervision, transmitting information and energy to your clients. I am here to mentor you closely and help ease the way.

Contact Nancy info@nancykern.com if the Akasha is calling you to Learn to Read. Prerequisites apply.

Friday May 2, 6:45-8:30 pm
Saturday – Sunday May 3-4, 1-5 pm
Location: the Heights
Cost $275
