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Spiritual Activism

Let’s Create Together
a More Beautiful World
our Hearts Know is Possible*

Are you disturbed by current events?  Are there days you feel outraged, fearful or burned out? These workshops are designed to nourish you and transform the life force energy driving your emotions into activism that honors your heart’s guidance.

Does the national dialogue leave you feeling paralyzed? Do you sometimes feel powerless and unsure that you can make a difference?

What do people following a path of kindness, compassion and equanimity do when confronted by injustice, abuse of power, hate-mongering and aggression? How do we stand our ground and take right action grounded in higher consciousness?

Current events are affecting millions of people. Before we can act, we need to shift internal states of shock, hopelessness, resignation, anger and despair to feeling supported, clear and empowered. From a full cup, you can help others ethically and more effectively. Regardless of short term outcome, you can persevere in alignment with your values. However long it takes, we will carry on promoting peace, justice and sustainable living.

You may have strong feelings about what is going on, yet feel unsure how you can help. To create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, we need a collective shift in values. Your intense emotions are the raw fuel that once digested, can lead to clarity, wisdom and insight.

Right action–ethical conduct grounded in dignity and the wisdom of your heart–is the way through. Spiritual Activism Circles are designed to metabolize emotional stress and open you to receive guidance in alignment with your Being.

When emotions get too heavy, they can make it hard to access inner guidance. These workshops are designed to help you overcome inertia and identify ethical actions you can take to help create a world that honors life and honors the feminine in balance with a healthy masculine.

Spiritual activism is a call to action for ordinary people who value kindness.

We care about others’ needs as well as our own. We want to create lives of peace for ourselves and others. We want an end to misogyny, racism, mass incarceration, wealth imbalance, war mongering, weapons proliferation and the desecration of our Earth. The list goes on. We know that in order for this change to happen, we need a collective shift in consciousness.  We know in our hearts that we can be change agents.

Addressing these concerns involves how we live in the world–how we take our inner work of mindfulness and kindness and take it into the world. It involves creating a vision for the kind of world we want the generations to come to inherit.

At each circle, we will explore and discover what we need to receive. We will get distinctions between what we want and what we need. We will call on All Helpful Beings—our Ancestors, healing Earth energies, our guardians and keepers in the Light of the Akashic Records and our personal guides to strengthen us with these qualities.

What will you bring to the world?
From a steady heart, grounded in spiritual strength,
With support on levels seen and unseen,
We call on All Helpful Beings—our Ancestors, Earth energies,
Our Guardians in the Akashic Records
To work through us as spiritual activists
To have a positive impact in the world.

Spiritual Activism Circles will clarify your heart’s vision and
help you be a source of strength, tenacity and perseverance.

Together, we will not be stopped. We will continue for the long haul. In community we are stronger than any one of us is alone.

In truth, we are never alone, no matter what we may think in our down times. We have each other, and we have our spiritual support teams.

Each workshop includes elements from the following menu:

  • Invocation–calling in all Helpful Beings from all realms
  • Distinguishing wants from needs
  • Sharing your needs in the circle
  • Movement–to shake out fear, stagnation and anger and activate clarity
  • Grounding and centering
  • Building community–supporting each other on our parallel paths of creating a more beautiful world
  • Emotional intelligence through somatic connection
  • EFT tapping on topics chosen by the group, such as: #MeToo, Family Separation, Environmental concerns, Racism, Gender rights, misogyny…
  • identifying the common ground shared by our diverse concerns
  • each Sacred Activism Circle will set specific group focus according to what we need
  • Self-soothing practices to get grounded and centered when you’ve been triggered
  • Recommended flower essences (note: flower essences are $15 each or you can buy them online.

Dates of Sacred Activism Circles

3 Saturday
August 11

1-4:30 pm
stay tuned for more dates to come…..

Spiritual Activism Circles will be held at Lightflower Studios in the Heights. The address and how to pay will be emailed to you with your registration below.

contact me if you would like to organize one in your home.

Cost: $35 advance registration
$45 the day of

To Register, Click Here 

Sacred Activism circles are designed to help us take action to create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible*. Some people call this New Earth.

*For more about this inspired idea, read Charles Eisenstein’s book The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible

posted in Classes and Events, Spiritual Activism, Spiritual Coaching
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