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What happens when our boundaries are too rigid?

Chakras, Auras and Energetic Boundaries

We’ve talked about what happens when our boundaries are too porous. Did you know our boundaries can also be too rigid? Rigid boundaries limit our well-being just as much as boundaries that are too porous.

In an effort to defend ourselves, we make our boundaries rigid. We want to keep negative energies out. But rigid boundaries keep everything out, including the good stuff. We build walls around our hearts, allowing only a very few people to get in, if any.

What happens when our boundaries are too rigid?

We feel isolated. We avoid even positive people and experiences. We reject true expressions of affection and regard, because we fear it will cost us something.

Our boundaries are formed in childhood. As children, we figure out what to do as best we can, by OURSELVES, without the support and guidance of a wise teacher who places our needs front and center. At some point in our adult lives, we realize our boundaries need to be softer, to let the good in. At the same time, they need to keep us safe.

Rigid boundaries are a way to cope with unsafe environments. Environments rife with criticism or bullying are also characterized by denial or minimizing what is happening in plain view. Even if the harm done was “only emotional,” it impacts our physical bodies.

Remember E=MC squared? Energy = matter times the speed of light squared.

Psychic information moves much faster than physical matter. Someone yelling at you, glaring angrily, or holding their hand up in a threatening way is initiating movement in the energetic field through focused intention. They may be relieving themselves of their own difficult feelings by sending those feelings your way. How do we keep ourselves safe? Oftentimes, we become defended.

There is a better way!

You can learn to program your boundaries to honor your spiritual and emotional harmony. Your boundaries can be fluid and flexible. They can breathe, just as you breathe, taking in prana, life force energy, expanding and contracting from one place or person to another.

Here’s how:

  • Ground yourself in the strength and support of the Earth element.
  • Shift your focus away from protecting yourself from “them” or “out there.”
  • Focus on safety, peace and security as your baseline state of being.
  • Connect energetically with your heart center, reinforcing safety, peace and security
  • Think about what you have planned for the day
  • Set your chakras as if tuning a radio dial, to a bandwidth that meets your needs

In my class series, “Chakras, Auras and Energetic Boundaries,” you learn how to do this, regardless of what is going on in the world around you.

Learn what special qualities to address in each chakra. Learn to open your chakras and set boundaries in your aura. Learn to program your energetic field to attract what benefits you and filter out what doesn’t.

You can consciously create boundaries that truly serve you and take care of you. You can adapt your energetic boundaries to your daily needs. Once you get comfortable with this process, you can do it easily and quickly.




posted in Spiritual Coaching
{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Nancy September 19, 2013, 8:20 am

    Thinking of the Tao and how it is the brittle branch that breaks, but one that yields bends and has more strength. Also think of dodging or deflecting rather than putting up a forward facing block as far as boundaries.

  • Michelle September 20, 2013, 7:20 am

    Thanks, Nancy! I really needed this today. I am working a lot with rigidity lately, and your suggestions about grounding in myself and opening up my chakras according to my energetic needs are powerful. Something to think about and work to practice…

  • nancy September 20, 2013, 12:08 pm

    Nancy, yes! Martial arts, like any meditative practice, train our minds to work with our energetic fields. When we are able act on our own behalf at this level, we are not so drawn in to the drama of the moment. When we shift our own energetic fields, our interpretation of what is happening changes. Just as you can deflect blows from an attacker, on an energetic level you can apply those same principles to deflect mental and emotional energies that are not nutritious for you. It takes presence to do this. Every time we have an experience that sets us back, we can use that to examine and recommit to our own self care.

  • nancy September 20, 2013, 12:13 pm

    Michelle, this is wonderful to hear. I recommend focusing every morning on a chakra meditation, of opening, clearing and balancing. Your chakras transmit this these qualities to your auric field. I am teaching this process one on one, and you get a recording you can follow to internalize the practice for yourself. What a great life skill to have. Creative people have a great facility for working with energy if they turn their attention there.

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