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Healing With Flower Essences, True Stories

Healing with flower essences, true stories

Raise your Awareness with Flower Essences

Since 1980, I’ve benefited greatly from the medicine of flower essences in my own personal healing, and recommended them for clients, to sustain and integrate the insights and new levels of awareness they take away from their sessions of Spiritual Coaching.

Since there are no toxicities or risks associated with flower essences, they can be used with babies, children and animals without worry. In my own practice, I seen flower essences help babies and children gain more robust health, have healthy digestive functions, feel more secure as they deal with separation anxiety, grumpy teachers, peer pressure and hormonal changes. Essences have helped girls in puberty and women going through menopause have an easier time. They’re helpful in down regulating the nervous system in times of trauma or climate events. 

Flowers are the highest spiritual expression of the plant. With our deeply entrenched materialist bias that says, “If you can’t see it, touch it, measure, explain it, it’s not real,” we’ve lost touch with the wisdom and sentience of the plant realms.

Research reveals that flower essences were used by the Celts in Ireland and Switzerland, carefully taking the dew from flowers to use as medicine.

If you take a flower essence and you can’t feel the subtle energy, no worry. You can still benefit. Start where you are and be kind to yourself.

If you’re inclined, you can learn how to tune into a plant and their medicine. You must be able to meditate, to still your mind, to tune in. If you’re patient and respectful, you may receive helpful guidance from the devas, the souls of plants and trees. You can’t control when or where they speak to you, nor should you try to. Be polite, not demanding. Get grounded, go into stillness and make yourself available, for as long as it takes. Simple instructions, not always easy to follow in our busy lives.

Flower essences uplift our emotional, mental and subtle energy bodies. To determine which essence is needed, I interview you and attend to your responses, so we are co-creating your session. For example, a client working with boundaries will have several essences to choose from, depending on specific circumstances.

There are essences for self-love, stepping into your authority, connecting with your God Self, manifesting, coming out of trauma, staying centered in chaotic conditions, creating better relationships, knowing and speaking your truth, breathing more fully and deeply, strengthening the immune system and so much more.The list is long and comprehensive.

Plants are the only species that can create food and medicine from sunlight. They can take us on spiritual journeys that expand our connection with the web of life.

Plants in harsh environments have impressive survival strategies. Many of the flower essences I work with come from dessert plants that thrive in harsh conditions.

The action of flower essences is subtle—so subtle, they can do no harm (unlike pharmaceuticals, where you always risk “side effects.”) In fact, research shows that taking a flower essence doesn’t show up in your blood. Flower essences, even those made from poisonous flowers, can do no harm. They’ve been tested since 1939, with not one reported case of toxicity. They carry the energetic frequency of the flower imprinted into the essence, not the physical plant material.

The flower essences I prescribe come from different lineages. The humans who co-create with the flowers have developed deep listening skills and know the herbal, homeopathic and folklore around the flowers they work with. A lot of time, nuance and loving care goes into making flower essences.

Healing with the Flower Essences, True Stories

Here I’ll share from my own life and, with permission, the lives of my clients.

Featured Essences:

Mullein Flower Essence 





posted in Flower Essences, Spiritual Coaching
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