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Women’s Blessing Circle Fri. Apr 3 on zoom



is the place to water the seeds of LOVE, acceptance, wisdom and compassion. In the bigger, deeper places within us—we know how to do this.

is the place to weed out fears, anxieties, feelings of helplessness or stagnation that arise—which we may have inherited from family, religion or culture—or they may be transmitted by people around us who are living in fear.  Or the collective angst.

Powerful guided meditations for protection and steadiness
EFT tapping to process difficult emotions & claim your peaceful strength
Get out of the freeze response
Magnify your resilience with emotional freedom

Our Circle is a spiral that leads us to drill down around outdated beliefs and subconscious programs that increase suffering for ourselves and others, and uproot them.

Clear the way for feeling secure and steady in unsteady times of uncertainty.

Recently I dug into my fear of suffering—both my own and the suffering of others. I was surprised to realize that as a child, I’d been taught that if others were suffering, it wasn’t OK for me to feel joyful—or have my own feelings. The truth of that realization hit me like a brick. I didn’t know that belief was still running in the background, triggering anxiety and ungrounded feelings.

When I’m suffering, I’m contributing to my own pain. Pain is part of life. Suffering is how we relate to what we’re experiencing. Suffering is resisting what is.

Some religions teach that we are born lacking morality. That being unethical and selfish is inevitable unless we reject our bodies and accept our unworthiness. FALSE!  

There is no such thing as Original Sin. You weren’t born ‘bad.’ You were not born in sin. You weren’t born to suffer.

You’re here to LIVE LIFE and embrace LOVE, even when life is not what you think you want it to be.

When my sister died (when I was 23), I fought reality so hard. I refused to accept her death, refused to accept that she’d ended her own life. A part of me believed that if I refused to admit she was dead, then she wouldn’t be dead. I was in so much pain, which was magnified by my denial and my lack of skill with my emotions.

I know the Dark Night of the Soul. It’s not a theory to me. I lived it for years.

I’m a fighter. When I’m in resistance, I’m a tough nut to crack. When I finally cracked open, I’d exhausted all other options. The tough survivor in me finally softened enough to let my vulnerability surface. I was finally ready to simply be still. And FEEL the swirl of emotions around me, tossing me around as I felt groundless. My whole reality had changed.

Meditation helped me begin to stay present. And became a lifelong practice.

So, I get it. I get the worries, the fears, the feelings of helplessness, the rage that surges. I don’t judge anyone for having these human feelings. I’ve felt them all, countless times.

I’m passionate about helping you get to a more centered and grounded place, even in the face of this pandemic. I’m fierce about bringing in self-kindness and self-love to steady you.

Women especially have a lot of influence on the emotional lives of others. We have a lot of power to uplift morale.

And, we have to start within ourselves.

We have choices. In the face of uncertainty, we can choose to accept what’s happening in the world, and we can choose to accept that we don’t know what’s going to come next.

We can choose to embrace the teaching that everything that happens is meant to be.

We can choose to surrender. To drop our resistance to NOW. Every time we fight reality, reality wins. When I fully accepted my sister’s death, my life got so much better. I felt lighter again. I came through the grief and the trauma and emerged with some gifts.

No matter what’s going on, we can breathe, ground, center, and feel grateful for life. 

The sun rose again this morning. What a miracle.

CHILD FRIENDLY—If you’re home with small kids.

I invite you to participate in this circle with your kids in the room with you. They can come and go. You can mute your mic, turn off the video if you want privacy, and listen to the broadcast while moving through your day, playing with kids, folding laundry and doing the endless chores of mothering.

You’ll receive the energy transmissions. You’ll feel the grounding and centering. You can breathe with us. You can tap along with us while doing what you need to be doing.

You can multi-task live, and then have the replay whenever you feel to review and renew.

We’ll include your entire family—all of our families, in the blessings we call in.

Come as you are.

No need to dress up. Wear your PJ’s if you want to. Or do dress up, wear something fun. Or daring. Or purposeful.

If you’re new to zoom, download it for free here 

You might want:

  • a cup of tea or a treat of some kind (food, a flower, a favorite rock or icon)
  • essential oil or flower essence
  • journal with pen/pencil
  • whatever feels comfortable
  • a bath before or after the circle, or a footbath

To register, pay here & email me nancy@nancykern.com

2 ways to pay, sliding scale available

If you’re being financially impacted by current events, please pay what you can on a sliding scale. $40, $35, $30, $25 or $20. Send a donation thru PayPal or Zelle, as above. You’ll not be turned away because of money.

Our circle will be recorded and shared with all who register for the call, so you can repeat the love whenever you feel to.

RESPECT: THIS CIRCLE WILL BE RECORDED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY. PLEASE DON’T SHARE THE RECORDING WITH ANYONE OUTSIDE THIS CIRCLE. Signing up for this circle signifies that you agree to keep this video confidential, and you agree not to share it with anyone outside the group without the stated permission of every woman in the circle.

posted in Spiritual Coaching, Women’s Blessing Circles
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