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Introduction to EFT tapping
Guided meditation followed by group tap

Monday, 4-20-20
11 am CT
Zoom link below

We want to do what we can to help. But at times, we can’t focus. We don’t know how to be useful, other than social distancing, disinfecting things and wearing masks. We want to be helpful, while minimizing risk to others and to ourselves. 

Because it supports the sympathetic nervous system, which helps us rest and digest, tapping is great for discharging stress & creating a more positive outlook. Though we can’t control what’s happening or what will happen, we have the power to ground and center, breathe fully, tune in and listen.

Inner support– we need to remember that we’re not alone. We’re all surrounded by helpful spirits at all times. We just need to ask for their help. 

Outer support–A community is stronger than one person standing alone. 

Question 1 – Ask yourself: What do I need, in order to feel supported?

Take your time with this question. It’s OK not to know the answer. If you sit with the question long enough, clarity will come. Tapping can help you get there.

Your soul has a quiet voice. To hear your inner guidance, take time tune in and listen to the voice of your soul, your guides, the earth and stars. We will do this in our group tap.

When you’re supported from within, you’re nourishing your roots. Your wellbeing helps you support others, because you have more to give and you give more cleanly.

Question 2 – “What’s mine to do?”

Tapping can help you:

  • get clearer by helping you accept whatever you’re feeling
  • activate helpful energies
  • act from a more expansive, grounded state
  • stay connected with the earth
  • get out of your head & into your body
  • stop trying to do your part by yourself, without tapping in to your well ancestors and guides


Join us for an online EFT tap on Monday, 4-20-20 at 9 am PT, 11 am CT, 12 noon ET.

I’m not asking you to pay me for this service. Instead, I ask you to kindly share your gratitude and appreciation by making a donation to purchase supplies for people living on the Navajo reservation in Arizona and New Mexico. They need masks, hand sanitizer and gloves. Whatever you donate will go directly where it’s needed.

Pay from your Heart, suggested donation $25
Ask your heart what you can pay. What amount honors your need to both receive and give?
Send your donation to Evonder Ahe, specify “supplies for Navajo rez”

Two ways to Pay

Anyone you’d like to invite is welcome. Invite people you’d feel comfortable in a shared space of some degree of vulnerability. 

To prepare for the session make a few notes about:

  • What emotions are you feeling?
  • what thoughts are you thinking?
  • what are you sensing in your body? 
  • try to be brief, choose 3 answers for each questions

Is there a theme in your emotions, thoughts & sensations?

  • look for a persistent state, such as: can’t sleep; feel stuck; weepy, joyful
  • Fear for someone who is sick, recovering or dying
  • Fear that you will die
  • Make notes (optional) about what needs to move, where you feel blocked, confused, unsettled or whatever is showing up now
  • Your tap will focus on what you need

Whatever you’re feeling makes sense in the context of what everyone is feeling. We are all connected.

We’ll bring breath, light and kindness to the places that feel ungrounded, anxious or sad, and see what wants to move.

We’ll call in guidance, “What’s mine to do?” Or if that question doesn’t resonate with you, “________________” (write your own question here….)

At all times, while tapping, if the language I use or the themes I choose don’t resonate with you, simply change the words and tap on what is true for you.

Be in a location where you won’t be disturbed. Close the door, put a do not disturb sign up, silence your phone and hide it. Multi-tasking during the tap is not advised.

Have on hand:

  • Water or tea to drink
  • Tissues
  • Journal and pen
  • We’ll start with a 10-15 minute introduction to tapping
  • Then tap for 15 minutes to an hour
  • If you need to leave early, that’s fine
  • Keep your mic muted as we tap, so you can change the words as needed, and minimize background noise
  • This live tap will be recorded so you can share or tap again whenever need arisesAll are welcome!
    Invite family & friends to join the live tap
    or share the replay freely.

    My prayers are that this tap will be helpful and useful to people who will carry the medicine forward.

    I call on all helpful powers to make this be so.

Nancy Kern is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WHAT’S MINE TO DO? EFT group tap

Time: Apr 20, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 994 1752 7145

Password: 474705

posted in EFT Tapping, Spiritual Coaching
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